Virtual Infinity Workshop 2024


This is the second workshop on hyperboloidal methods. In this workshop, we will focus on forming new research ideas and collaborations among participants. Sharing of ideas will be facilitated by short, 20-minute talks on recent developments in hyperboloidal methods followed by unconference breakout rooms. The workshop will be held virtually.

Mon, 1 Jul 2024 — Tue, 2 Jul 2024
Online via Zoom


All times listed for the talks are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Here is an online tool to convert UTC to your local time zone: Dateful.

TimeMon, 1 JulTue, 2 Jul
9:55—10:00 UTCRodrigo Panosso MacedoDavid Hilditch
10:00—10:20 UTCCarla CederbaumMarina De Amicis
10:20—10:40 UTCAnna SancassaniPatrick Bourg
10:40—11:00 UTCPhilippe G. LeFlochPedro Baptista
11:00—11:20 UTCMichele LenziManas Vishal
11:20—11:40 UTCBreakBreak
11:40—12:00 UTCBenjamin LeatherAlex Vañó Viñuales
12:00—12:20 UTCBrad CowndenJoão Dinis Álvares
12:20—12:40 UTCSubhodeep SarkarChristian Peterson Bórquez
12:40—13:00 UTCNetwork MeetingShalabh Gautam


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David Hilditch
David Hilditch
Assistant Professor

I work on mathematical topics in numerical relativity. In particular my research has focused on the gauge freedom of general relativity and on the development of formulations suitable for numerical approximation.

Rodrigo Panosso Macedo
Rodrigo Panosso Macedo
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Alex Vañó-Viñuales
Alex Vañó-Viñuales
Post-Doc FCT

Numerical relativist at the interface with mathematical General Relativity.

Anıl Zenginoğlu
Anıl Zenginoğlu
Assistant Research Scientist